Written by Magda N. Garguláková
Illustrated by Katia Gaigalova
Ages 3-5
Book parameters:
Size 230 x2 80 mm | 40 pages | hardbinding
Sold to:
Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Serbian, English, Simplified Chinese, Slovene
Would you like to know what is fragile, what is fast, and what is loud? One scoop of ice cream – is it a lot or a little? And do you know what opposites are?
Well, on opening this book, you will discover that the world around us is filled with them! So why not look closely at them? When you do, you will learn that things can be cold, light or pointed, even stinky… Each of these things has an opposite – something that is warm, heavy, nicely rounded or fragrant. And these are just a few of the things in this book – there is much, much more to discover. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
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