All Aboard!
Written by Pavla Hanáčková
Illustrated by Diarmuid Ó Catháin
Ages 6-8
Book parameters:
Size 240 x 240 mm, 10 spreads, novelty format
Sold to:
Bulgarian, Catalan, English, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Slovene, Spanish, Valencian, Uzbek
Is space the number one topic you’re interested in? Would you like to learn what breathtaking objects and man-made machines are flying around in space? Would you like to become an astronaut and see everything with your own eyes? Kiwi bird Karl is interested in just that. His biggest dream is to visit space as an astronaut.
Together you’ll learn many interesting things about rockets and other spacecraft. You’ll meet the most famous types and also catch a glimpse of what goes on before you even get to go to space – astronaut training and rocket lift off included! Join Karl in his spacecraft, get to know the solar system and even more! Who knows what is hiding beyond our galaxy..
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