Atlases of Animal Companions
Written by Ester Dobiášová, Jana Sedláčková, Štěpánka Sekaninová
Illustrated by Marcel Králik
Ages 6-8
Book parameters:
Size 230 x 280 mm, 104 pages, hardcover
Sold to:
Azerbaijani, English, Estonian, Italian, Kazakh, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovene, Spanish, Uzbek
Paw on the heart that you can not guess how many dogs species there are in the world. In our well-arranged atlas, you can find them all from the smallest one – chihuahua to the hairiest one – Komondor and learn basic information about their nature.
Were really wild wolfs the ancient ancestors of dogs? How can sheepdogs and cattle dogs tame a flock of runaway sheep? And which dogs have webbed feet? Each breed is playfully introduced and you will have the opportunity to find out which dogs are among the most devoted and bravest, who is the biggest barker or slobber and who snores loudly when dreaming of a juicy bone. And least but not last, if you like goodnight stories, you can read the dog newspaper that accompanies the entire atlas. You will find a lot of stories, interviews and reports from the lives of famous and even unknown dog heroes!
Atlases of Animal Companions
Atlases of Animal Companions
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