City from a Sparrow’s Eye View


City from a Sparrow’s Eye View

Book parameters:
size 185 × 245 mm | 20 pages + map | hardbinding
Sold to:
Simplified Chinese

One day, a family of five sparrows flies to the city. While Mummy Sparrow is attracted by avenues filled with boutiques, Daddy Sparrow and their son are drawn to the city’s mysterious underground.

Granny Sparrow chooses to rest on a bench in the park and in a café on the square, but her granddaughter makes straight for the swimming pool. Containing three maps and lots of information on what makes up a city, this book is sure to please all young readers and their parents. Would you like to travel the length and breadth of a city? Then join the Sparrow family. Just be careful not to get lost!

Books from the series