Fairy Tale Encyclopedia
Written by Štěpánka Sekaninová
Illustrated by Alexandra Májová Hetmerová
Ages 3-5
Book parameters:
Size 220 x 220 mm, 6 spreads, novelty format
Sold to:
Sleepy Briar Rose has loved plants and everything green all her life. No wonder – she is named after the most majestic of all flowers! But roses aren’t the only beautiful things that grow.
Come with us for a walk through a meadow and garden with the girl from the palace, and learn about everything in them that lives, grows, flowers, thrives and tastes good. But you must hurry, before Briar Rose falls asleep for another hundred years! Herbs won’t wait, and neither will this story.
Fairy Tale Encyclopedia
Fairy Tale Encyclopedia
Fairy Tale Encyclopedia
Fairy Tale Encyclopedia
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