Little Shoes
Written by Oldřich Růžička
Illustrated by Alexandra Májová Hetmerová
Ages 3-5
Book parameters:
Size 92 x 172 mm | 18 pages | Board book
2 mm grey board, shoe lace
Sold to:
Russian, Vietnamese
This unique, accessible, playful, and shoe-shaped board book will teach your children how to tie their shoelaces.
Kate is a clever little girl. She can get her own swing moving, she can run fast, and she can skip rope without tripping. But she has a bit of trouble tying her shoelaces. Kate just can’t understand how it is that her laces keep coming loose in her shoes. New shoes, old shoes, it makes no difference. Luckily she has a couple of animal friends who are prepared to help. One day the squirrel and the wise owl join forces to teach Kate how to work magic on her laces so that they stay as they’re supposed to, in a nice tight bow. This sneaker-shaped book has real laces and develops fine motor skills in a fun way. Before you know it, your young reader will be tying her own laces.
Little Shoes
Little Shoes
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