Beat Your Fear
Written by Štěpánka Sekaninová
Illustrated by Jakub Cenkl
Ages 3-5
Book parameters:
Size 190 × 190 mm | 6 spreads | 6 venetian slides | case cover
Sold to:
Complex Chinese, English for Taiwan, Italian, Simplified Chinese
Do you get frightened? Often, a lot and about everything? At the doctor’s, in the water, when there’s a storm? Open this book and learn to beat your fear.
We all get scared sometimes. Some of us often and a lot – at the doctor’s, on the river, when there’s a storm… This is when fear takes the upper hand, when it takes us over, when we look at the world through fear’s eyes. With the book Not As Scary As It Looks… children can pause and take a good look around for themselves. Is the doctor really a dark magician? Are those things in Grandma’s pond truly octopuses? By taking a closer look, young readers will see how things really are. Even if their fear isn’t banished straight away, they only have to open the book a second time for success to be guaranteed. Thanks to the beautiful illustrations, interactive slide mechanism and changing pictures, even real scaredy-cats will soon overcome their fear.
Beat Your Fear
Beat Your Fear
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