Look Around and Learn
Written by Magda N. Garguláková
Illustrated by Sean Longcroft
Ages 6-8
Book parameters:
Size 230 x 280 mm | 40 pages | hardbinding
Sold to:
Bulgarian, Catalan, English, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, Valencian
Take a look around – at home, on the street, at the railway station, wherever. How many numbers do you see? Quite a lot, right? It may not seem so at first glance, but there are numbers all around us.
You can probably read them by now, maybe even count with them. But do you know what is behind these numbers? Do you know what they tell us? Numbers aren’t only about maths and counting, how much there is, telling the time, and how much things cost. They do much, much more… Come with us as we open a door to a somewhat different world of numbers…
Look Around and Learn
Look Around and Learn
Look Around and Learn
Look Around and Learn
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