Rabbits Are Great

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Rabbits Are Great

Written by Štěpánka Sekaninová
Illustrated by Adam Wolf
Ages 6-8

Book parameters:
Size 215 x 260 mm, 40 pages, hardcover

Who wouldn't want to have a pet at home? More specifically, which child?

Perhaps all of them beg and plead with their parents to get them a four-legged friend. And they swear they’re going to take really, really good care of it. Loving parents sometimes soften up and get their kids a pet. Even if it’s tiny, like a rabbit that looks almost like a stuffed toy. But it’s not! And it needs to be cared for. With love and patience. What happens when a rabbit moves into your house? How do you make him happy, trust you and become your loyal friend? Read the book to learn step by step. As an added bonus, you’ll learn to understand rabbit language and be entertained by Adam Wolf’s hilarious pictures.

Books from the series