Teddy and Friends
Written by Petra Bartíková
Illustrated by Katarína Macurová
Ages 3-5
Book parameters:
Size 190 × 190 mm | 6 spreads | 6 venetian slides | case cover
Sold to:
Greek, Complex Chinese, Simplified Chinese
How do you build a go-cart? Teddy has some wood, a rule, a saw, a drill, some wheels, screws, a steering wheel, a screwdriver – and a lot of work ahead of him. Will anyone help him?
Of course they will! Teddy isn’t the only one who dreams of winning the race for the honey-filled cup. Mr Hedgehog does too! So keep your fingers crossed that they manage to build their go-cart. And don’t forget the magic bar. Pull on it and the pictures will change right before your eyes.
Teddy and Friends
Teddy and Friends
Teddy and Friends
Teddy and Friends
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