Yesterday & Today
Written by Eva Obůrková
Illustrated by Alexandra Májová Hetmerová
Ages 6-8
Book parameters:
Size 215 × 280 mm | 9 spreads including cover | 60 flaps | hardbinding
Sold to:
Simplified Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian
A trip to the recent and distant past with a pair of magic binoculars and Agnes the raccoon.
Child readers first see a scene from the present; then, on gently opening the flap, they discover interesting facts about the forerunners of objects and activities we take for granted today, such as cars, swimming pools, cameras and hockey matches. But the fun doesn’t end there – readers can search for Agnes, who is hiding somewhere in each chapter. The first book in the series takes readers to the town and shows them what the daily bustle in the streets, shopping, transport, fun in the park, winter games, summer at the seaside and school were like in the past.
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